©️Austin Houldsworth

©️Joshua A. Dawson

世界构建 World-Building 2022

研究及创作 Research& Practice

Phase 1 讲座系列 Lecture series

在新常态(New normal)时代,我们需要接受一种持续的、临时性的状态。已故美国作家乌苏拉-勒奎恩曾呼吁人们成为"更大现实的现实主义者"(Realists of a larger Reality)。 在她眼中,世界亦可以被理解为一个在看似可能与不可能之间不停转化的非理性景观。


Lecture Artist/Designer: Austin Houldsworth(UK) Joshua A. Dawson(IN) Sitraka Rakotoniaina(FR)

In the era of the New Normal, we need to accept a constant, temporary state of affairs. The late American writer Ursula K. Le Guin once called for people to become "Realists of a Larger Reality". In her eyes, the world can also be understood as an irrational landscape in the constant transformation between the possible and the impossible.

Designers and artists often use "Multi-Dimensional" landscape prisms to explore the landscape boundaries and "World Rules" between real and fictional worlds, using "Building" as an action to inspire the new in this way, they go beyond the known framework of thinking patterns and open up a space of possibility and hope for the diverse worlds that exist in social dreams.